Sunday, November 10, 2019


NAME: _______________________________________ Persuasive Unit Packet In this persuasive essay you will persuade your reader which of the following inventions is most important (is the most valuable to mankind): 1. Electricity – from the light bulb to the computer 2. Writing – the printing press, books, and literacy 3. Immunization – vaccinations against disease 4. Modern Plumbing – the sink, toilet, shower You will be writing a five paragraph essay persuading your reader to think like you. In this packet are the tools that will lead you to write persuasively.This will be due at various times and must be submitted with your final draft. Write in the due dates below as your teacher tells you: * Rough draft to the INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH due * Rough draft to the BODY PARAGRAPH 1 & 2 due * Rough draft to the COUNTER PARAGRAPH due * Rough draft of CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH due * PEER EDITED ROUGH DRAFT due * FINAL, TYPED DRAFT DUE ON Introductory Paragraph Worksheet In the space below write your opinion on which invention you think is the most important. Now, provide six bullets as to why it’s the most important: * * * * * Now combine these thoughts into a rough draft of the thesis: is the invention because (topic)(adjective) (reason #1/body 1) and (reason #2/body 2) Attention Grabber/Active Research An effective persuasive essay includes a hook or attention grabber such as: * Giving some interesting information about your topic * Ask a thought-provoking question * Quote someone knowledgeable about your topic * Share an experience In order to do these, you must research your topic. Chart your research findings below: Fact| Source (website/book)| | | Quote| | Question| |Choosing three of the approaches above, and your research, develop each one into an attention getter: 1. 2. 3. Next, have a peer review these three and have him/her star and initial which one they like best. Introductory Paragraph Rough Draft Now, combine your attention gr abber and thesis and write a rough introductory paragraph. (use the example paragraph on the bottom as a model) Introductory Paragraph Example 1: Last year, our neighbors got a dingo. As a puppy, this Australian wild dog was very friendly. By the time it was six months old, though, the dingo was big and mean.After it attacked our dog, Animal control had to take the dingo away. What if our neighbors buy a baby crocodile next? Exotic pets might be interesting, but they can also cause a lot of trouble. People should think carefully before buying unusual pets because they do not always consider how it grows, they get tired of them, and the pets can even carry exotic diseases. (Write Source, â€Å"Avoiding Exotic Pets† p. 225) THERE IS ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF AN INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH ON THE NEXT PAGE Introductory Paragraph Example 2: The final bell rings. It’s the last day of school, and summer has finally come!For America’s students summer vacation means two and a half months without school, but recently many people are asking if this two and a half month break might be a factor in America’s declining education. In his latest interviews, President Obama has spoken about his plan to improve education in America. He has discussed the decline in the education system, and voiced concerns about the ability of American students to remain competitive with nations like Japan. While Obama has discussed changes for several areas of education, he has also proposed lengthening the school year.Although extending the school year is not a wildly popular idea, lengthening the school year will help American students become more competitive by helping to raise student achievement and providing low-income students with equal opportunities for success. Body Paragraph Research #1 Look back at your thesis. Write the FIRST reason you listed why your invention is the best and write it here: Now using this as your guide, research on destiny. sandi. net some evidenc e that proves this claim. Chart your findings below. Fact| Source (website/book)| | | | | | | | | | | | |Body Paragraph #1 Worksheet Write your topic sentence. This should introduce the first reason you listed why your invention is the best (as written in your thesis on worksheet page 2). Example: One problem is that owners often don’t think about what will happen when the animal grows. TS: Now look back at your Body Paragraph Research #1. On that page highlight or circle the two best pieces of evidence that support your claim (listed above). Label them A & B with B being your best (strongest) piece of evidence you have. Write these in a complete sentence below:Example: (CD/A) For example, potbellied pigs are cute when they are little, but they can be hard to handle later on. Your CD/A: Now, provide the commentary (CM) for your concrete details (CD). Remember, commentary explains to your reader how the concrete details support your topic sentence (TS) IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Examp le CM for CD/A: This fact proves that ownership of exotic animals becomes more difficult as the animal matures. Your CM: Your CD/B: Example: (CD/B) According to World Book Online, pigs may turn over furniture or dig up the backyard looking for something to eat.Now, provide the commentary (CM) for your concrete details (CD). Remember, commentary explains to your reader how the concrete details support your topic sentence (TS) IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Example CM for CD/B: This clearly proves that ownership of exotic animals becomes more difficult as the animal matures. Your CM: Lastly, you will end this body paragraph with a concluding sentence which will transition into reason number two that supports your topic (the second reason listed in your thesis). Example: In fact, in some cases owners become so overwhelmed with their esponsibilities that they take the drastic measure to give away their pet. Your CL: Body Paragraph #1 Rough Draft Below, this is an example of a body paragraph: One pr oblem is that owners often don’t think about what will happen when the animal grows (TS). For example, potbellied pigs are cute when they’re little, but they can be hard to handle later on (CD1). This fact shows that exotic animals can grow into a potential dangerous problem. (CM) According to World Book Online, pigs may turn over furniture or dig up the backyard looking for something to eat (CD2).This clearly proves that ownership of exotic animals becomes more difficult as the animal matures (CM). In fact, in some cases owners become so overwhelmed with their responsibilities that they take the drastic measure to give away their pet (CL). Below, this is an example of another first body paragraph: In recent years, American students have begun to fall behind their international peers. For example, President Obama has cited the fact that in the United States, â€Å"8th Grade curriculum is two year behind competing nations. † If the United States hopes to remain a world power, it is crucial that we take steps to raise our education standards.In order to raise our curriculum and hold our students to higher standards a longer school year is necessary. Furthermore, Obama stated that one third of 13-14 year-olds in America are not reading at grade level. These facts clearly show a huge problem within the U. S. educational system. The ability to read at an appropriate level is essential to success and understanding in school and life. Our educational system is faced with the job of preparing this countries youth for the future, and clearly our students are not developing the necessary skills.Finally, the US math score on the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) test was a 487 which is below the international average of 496. With the advances being made in technology and science it is crucial that American student have a strong understanding of math and science principals. While other countries seem to be excelling in these subjects it is unacceptable for US student to be scoring below the international average. For many years the US has been an international superpower. In order to remain a superpower, The US must take steps to improve education and stop our students from falling behind.ON THE NEXT PAGE YOU WILL WRITE YOUR BODY PARAGRAPH ROUGH DRAFT Now, combine your work from PAGES 6 and 7 and write your first rough body paragraph. (use the example paragraphs on page 7 as a model) Body Paragraph Research #2 Look back at your thesis. Write the SECOND reason you listed why your invention is the best and write it here: Now using this as your guide, research on destiny. sandi. net some evidence that proves this claim. Chart your findings below. Fact| Source (website/book)| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Body Paragraph #2 Worksheet Write your topic sentence.This should introduce the second (and strongest) reason you listed why your invention is the best (as written in your thesis on worksheet page 2). Example: T he most serious problem is that owners who grow tired of their exotic pets have trouble finding new homes for them. TS: Now look back at your Body Paragraph Research #2. On that page highlight or circle the two best pieces of evidence that support your claim (listed above). Label them A & B with B being your best (strongest) piece of evidence you have. Write one in a complete sentence below: Example: (CD/A) Often, shelters cannot take these pets, so owners turn them loose.CD/A: Now, provide the commentary (CM) for your concrete detail (CD). Remember, commentary explains to your reader how the concrete details support your topic sentence (TS) IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Example: This example shows how overwhelming owning an exotic pet can be. CM: CD/B: (CD/B) According to the San Diego Tribune, when a woman in Florida reached into her flower garden, a tropical snake that had been turned loose by a neighbor attacked her. Now, provide the commentary (CM) for your concrete detail (CD). Remember, commentary explains to your reader how the concrete details support your topic sentence (TS) IN YOUR OWN WORDS.No example given. See first body paragraph. CM: Lastly, you will end this body paragraph with a concluding sentence which will end the supporting body paragraphs of your paper. Example: In conclusion, exotic animals, while fascinating, do not make the best household pets. CL: Now, combine your work from PAGES 9 and 10 to write your first rough body paragraph. (use the example from body paragraph as a model) Counter Argument Paragraph First, you will acknowledge that other arguments can be made in the defense of alternate inventions. (Immunization, Writing, Modern Plumbing, Electricity)Come up with three arguments used by ONE of the other three inventions discussed: 1. 2. 3. You may use a beginning similar to the examples below as your topic sentence: (choose only one of the sentences starters below): Some people will say Some believe An alternate way of thinking Choose the two weakest arguments from above about why this invention is important: 1. 2. Now, write a rebuttal: using research and your own thinking respond to one of the counter arguments above: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now, using a conclusion sentence, refocus your counter-argument paragraph back to your opinion (topic): SEE NEXT PAGE FOR EXAMPLES OF COUNTER ARGUMENT PARAGRAPHS Counter-Argument Paragraph Rough Draft Below, this is an example of a counter-argument paragraph: (1) Some people would say that owning an exotic pet is a wonderful experience. (2) They might say that exotic pets make the owner stand out in a crowd. (3) They also might say that owning an exotic pet is a unique and rewarding experience. 4) While an exotic pet may be rewarding, a domesticated animal will provide that same if not safer reward. Accordi ng to ABC News Investigations reports of exotic pets attacking their owners have increased dramatically over the recent years. (5) It is clear to see that these unique animals also come with unique challenges especially when they mature. Below, this is another example of a counter-argument paragraph: While President Obama’s proposal has many supporters, not everyone agrees that the school year should be extended. Opponents of this proposal claim that extending the school year is simply too expensive.While budget must be considered, education is the foundation for our countries future. If we are going to invest money in anything it should be education. In a recent interview with Matt Lauer President Obama discusses the cost associated with extending the school year, saying, â€Å"that would be money well spent†. Another point often discusses by the opposition is, that shortening the school year will take away important family and social development time. Unfortunately, many students in our country do not have the ability to participate in summer learning activities.Summer camps and learning programs are a luxury often enjoyed by middle and upper class families. Without these programs many students experience summer learning loss wherein they can lose up to two months of math and reading skills. In summary, although there are arguments against extending the school year, it is important to consider what is best for our children. If we want to give all Americans the opportunity to compete in a global job market, it is important to invest in our students now and extend the school year. ON THE NEXT PAGE YOU WILL WRITE YOUR COUNTER ARGUMENT PARAGRAPH ROUGH DRAFTNow, combine your work from PAGES 11 AND 12 to write a rough counter-argument paragraph. (use the example paragraph above as a model) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________ On Next Page You Will Write Your Concluding Paragraph Write Your Conclusion Paragraph Below: Restate your thesis: Now, write your strongest piece of evidence/support/CD from your first body paragraph: _______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Now, write your strongest piece of evidence/support/CD from your second body paragraph: On the lines below write the sentences above as your CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH ROUGH DRAFT: _______________________________________________________________________________________ On the next and last page is an example of a conclusion paragraph. In conclusion, in order to keep our students from falling behind, and provide equal learning opportunities for low-income students, the United States needs to lengthen the school year.The facts clearly show that today’s students are falling behind. It is unac ceptable to allow our students to be falling behind in reading and math. It is unacceptable to allow two months of summer learning loss to occur. Something must be done. Education is the key to our countries future. As a country we need to show our students that we value and support their education. The best way to do this is by making the hard decisions, lengthening the school year, and doing what it takes to make our student competitive in a world market. THIS IS THE LAST PAGE. THERE ARE NO MORE PAGES.

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